
 The Story Behind the Book …

There’s No Way to Do It Wrong! has been a long time in coming. In the early 1990s, I wrote and edited literature textbooks and supplementary materials for major educational publishers. I earned my MFA in fiction writing and published stories in literary magazines. Later, as a successful freelancer, I wrote documentary film scripts for public television and articles for print and online magazines. I published Museum of the Americas, a collection of short stories that was nominated for the Vermont Book Award.

I had an incredible amount of fun making my living as a writer. But I kept meeting people of all ages who thought writing was a chore. I wanted to change that. I started with short, 7-Minute writing prompts combined with positive—only feedback. And I discovered something magical. 7-Minute prompts transformed even the most reluctant writers into enthusiastic ones. So I wrote a simple, easy-to-use guide that shows you how it all works. When you buy a copy, we’re one step closer to a world where everybody loves writing. And there’s nothing wrong with that!